As if this morning’s pie charts weren’t enough, we’re back to get all numerical and statistical on you. each year we like to break down what YHL looks like by the numbers. Some are crazy. Some are surprising. Some are serious. Some are, well, just for fun. We’ve included some of last year’s numbers just for comparison’s sake, but you can also look back at our past by-the-numbers posts for our last three blogiversaries to see how things have changed: 2010, 2009 and 2008.
2,014 – The number of published posts to date on young house love (Last year: 1,527)
16 – The number of published posts to date on young house Life (clearly someone’s gotta pick up the slack over there).
Our favorite Videos
570,314 – The number of total comments left by you fine folks. more than double our number last year (258,904) meaning there has been more commenting action in the last 12 months than in our first three years.
38,754 – The number of comment responses we’ve posted, which is more than TRIPLE last year’s total (13,039).
9 – number of months we’ve lived in our new house
21.5 – Clara’s weight (wonder how long she’ll let us keep sharing that?). Up from 14lbs last year. She’s tall and skinny like… well, a bean (a string bean to be exact).
8.5 – My main man Burger’s weight. Up from a whopping 8lbs last year.
210,460- most blog hits we’ve received in a single day according to stats – the day our Washington post feature came out (last year’s top day: 97,024). but yesterday we were just 7K away from topping the wash post day!
4,048,011 – total number of blog hits we received last month (insanity – last year’s stat: 2,144,976).
68,164,565 – total blog hits to date (nearly double last year’s number: 36,698,957)
4 – number of times we’ve driven by our old house to check in on it (including once after Hurricane Irene – it was fine!)
1 – number of times we accidentally turned down our old street when we meant to go to our new house (we’re proud of ourselves since it’s only a mile away).
150 – total number of mood boards featured in our mood Board Gallery.
146– total number of weekly giveaways that we’ve held since starting them back in November of ’08 (after you guys requested them during our very first blogiversary)
35- Our average number of posts per month
3 – number of soda-themed shirts I (John) own (I do own non-soda-related shirts, despite the fact that they seem to be the only ones that show up in pictures).
12 – Clara’s current catalog of animal sounds. She can moo like a cow, neigh like a horse, baa like a sheep, maa like a goat, meow like a cat, woof like a dog, hoo like an owl, cheep like a chicken, roar like a lion, quack like a duck, say “ooh-ooh-ahh-ahh” like a monkey, and even imitate a sloth (which according to one of her books says “slowly slowly” – so she slinks around saying that).
2,405- average number of words written per post (we’re chatty, huh?)
19,204- average number of words written per week (admittedly, this is kind of insane)
648 – The total number of projects that we link to on our projects page (and we still have around 50 to add, but haven’t gotten to that part of our to-do list yet. Sorry!)
58: photos of Clara that we’ve taken for her photo project (52 weekly pictures + 5 monthly + 1 for her birthday card)
230,652 – number of Pinterest followers (this. is. insane.)
22 – total number of steps from our bed to our desk (in the last house it was 7, so we no longer risk posting in our sleep anymore).
6:30 – the time tonight that we’ll be participating in a local panel discussion called “Hobby to Business: Making A Living Doing What You Love.” how fitting for blogiversary week, no? more details here (psst- we’re not getting paid for it, just thought it sounded fun).
So there you have it. The stats of the year. Do you guys count things like steps from one room to another or how typically you intentionally and unintentionally drive to an old house? Can you picture how cute Clara is when she slinks around the house saying “sloooowly, sloooowly” – seriously it’s amazing. We’ll have to get it on video pronto.
Psst- You can also look back at our past by-the-numbers posts for our last three blogiversaries here: 2010, 2009 and 2008.
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